or seasoned salt, garlic powder, paprika, black pepper
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
1 cup chicken broth or beer, apple, grape juice or water
1 lg onion, sliced
Combine the spices for the rub and olive oil and rub 1/2 the mix
over beef or create pockets for inserting garlic slivers all over the
Cover and refrigerate 1 hour
Heat grill to med-high
Sear meat on all sides (takes approximately 4 minutes)
Add broth and onions to aluminum grill-safe pan with rack and place
beef on rack making sure the meat does not touch the liquid.
Cook roast to an internal temperature of 110° - 115° for medium
rare. Cooking OPTIONS: pick one
Grill for about
1 hour and 20 minutes on low, rolling it around every 20 minutes
or so. Add parsley and rosemary to remaining spice rub mixture and
brush on meat during last 10 - 20 minutes of grilling.
Cook in the oven till probe thermometer reaches 115 F. Turn off
the oven and wait 45 min to an hour.
In the morning, preheat the
oven to 500 degrees; once the oven has reached temperature, put the
roast in the oven, cook for 15 minutes, turn the oven off and go
to work, when you come home you will have a perfectly done medium
rare roast.